Interface ISolveCaptchaOptions

Options structure { "type": "RECAPTCHA" || "FUNCAPTCHA" || "IMAGECAPTCHA"||"HCAPTCHA"||"RECAPTCHA_V3"||"GEETEST||"PERIMETERX", // Defines which type of captcha are we trying to solve. "inputElement": "", // If type is "RECAPTCHA" or "FUNCAPTCHA", this is a css selector for main HTML element containing those captchas Else for "IMAGECAPTCHA" this is a css selector to the textbox where captcha answer should be provided. "imageElement": "", // Required only if type is "IMAGECAPTCHA", it should contain css selector to the image element that contains the actual captcha. "autoSubmit": boolean (optional) }


  • ISolveCaptchaOptions


autoSubmit?: boolean
imageElement?: string
inputElement?: string